Top Plants to Grow in a Large Greenhouse

A large greenhouse offers a unique opportunity to create a diverse and thriving garden environment. Our 12’ wide greenhouse kits provide ample space to cultivate a wide variety of plants, making it easier to grow everything from vegetables and fruits to herbs and ornamental plants. These spacious greenhouses allow gardeners to experiment with different plant types and optimize growing conditions, leading to higher yields and healthier plants. The controlled environment of a greenhouse protects plants from harsh weather conditions, pests, and diseases, ensuring consistent growth and productivity. In this article, we will explore the top plants to grow in a large greenhouse, focusing on their specific needs and benefits. Whether you are an experienced gardener or a novice, understanding the best plant choices for your greenhouse will help you maximize its potential and enjoy a year-round gardening experience.


Vegetables are a staple in greenhouse gardening due to their high yield and versatility. Tomatoes and cucumbers are particularly well-suited for large greenhouses. Tomatoes thrive in the warm, humid environment, producing abundant fruit throughout the growing season. Varieties like cherry tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes are popular choices, offering a continuous supply of fresh produce. Cucumbers, especially the bush and vining types, benefit from the vertical growing space a large greenhouse kit provides. They require trellising and consistent watering but reward gardeners with a plentiful harvest. Other vegetables such as peppers, lettuce, and spinach also perform well in greenhouse conditions, providing fresh produce year-round. Growing vegetables in a greenhouse allows for extended growing seasons and protection from pests and diseases, ensuring healthy and productive plants.


Growing fruits in a greenhouse extends the growing season and protects plants from harsh weather conditions. Strawberries and citrus trees are particularly well-suited for large greenhouses. Strawberries can be grown in hanging baskets or vertical planters, maximizing space and ensuring a continuous supply of fresh berries. Citrus trees, including lemon, lime, and orange trees, thrive in the warm, humid environment of a greenhouse. They require well-drained soil and regular fertilization but reward gardeners with fragrant blossoms and delicious fruit. Grapes and figs are other fruit options that can flourish in a greenhouse setting, providing a diverse range of fresh produce. Growing fruits in a greenhouse allows for year-round cultivation and protection from pests, ensuring a bountiful harvest.


Herbs are a fantastic addition to any greenhouse garden, offering culinary and medicinal benefits. Basil, mint, and parsley are some of the easiest herbs to grow in a wooden greenhouse. Basil thrives in warm temperatures and full sunlight, producing fragrant leaves that enhance many dishes. Mint prefers slightly cooler conditions and partial shade, spreading quickly and providing fresh leaves for teas and culinary uses. Parsley, both curly and flat-leaf varieties, grows well in greenhouse conditions, offering a steady supply of fresh herbs for cooking. Other herbs such as rosemary, thyme, and oregano also thrive in greenhouses, adding variety and flavor to your garden. Growing herbs in a greenhouse allows for a continuous supply of fresh herbs, enhancing your culinary creations and providing medicinal benefits.

Ornamental Plants

Ornamental plants enhance the aesthetic appeal of a greenhouse, adding color and beauty. Orchids and ferns are ideal choices for large greenhouses. Orchids, with their stunning blooms and diverse species, thrive in the controlled humidity and temperature of a greenhouse. They require specific care, including proper watering and light conditions, but reward gardeners with breathtaking flowers. Ferns, such as Boston ferns and maidenhair ferns, add lush greenery and texture to the greenhouse environment. They prefer indirect light and high humidity, making them perfect for greenhouse cultivation. Other ornamental plants like begonias and geraniums can also thrive in greenhouses, providing year-round beauty. Growing ornamental plants in a greenhouse creates a visually appealing and tranquil space, enhancing the overall gardening experience.

Maximizing Greenhouse Space

To fully utilize the space in a large cedar wood greenhouse, consider vertical gardening and tiered shelving. Vertical gardening allows for the cultivation of climbing plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, and grapes, making the most of the greenhouse's height. Tiered shelving systems can accommodate herbs, small vegetables, and ornamental plants, maximizing floor space and increasing the variety of plants you can grow. Using hanging baskets for strawberries or trailing plants can further optimize space and create a visually appealing garden layout. Efficient space utilization ensures that you can grow a diverse range of plants without overcrowding, promoting healthy growth and high yields. Incorporating these techniques will help you make the most of your large greenhouse, creating a productive and beautiful garden space.


In conclusion, a large greenhouse provides an ideal environment for growing a diverse range of plants, from vegetables and fruits to herbs and ornamental plants. Our 12’ wide green house kits offer ample space and versatility, allowing you to create a thriving and productive garden. By selecting the right plants and utilizing space efficiently, you can maximize the potential of your greenhouse and enjoy year-round gardening success. Whether you are an experienced gardener or just starting, a large wooden greenhouse kit opens up endless possibilities for cultivating a variety of plants. Embrace the benefits of a large greenhouse and start growing your ideal garden today, reaping the rewards of fresh produce, beautiful flowers, and a satisfying gardening experience.


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